Bye 2020

When these four numbers ‘2020’ come in front of our eyes all the unforseen events come flashing into our head. Each of our world’s were turned upside down, let it be from losing our loved ones to losing some of the legendary actors, from spreading illness of corona virus to getting used to the words like quarantine,social distancing, lockdown, from flight crashes to people staying away from their families, losing jobs due to pandemic which eventually dismantled the whole working of the system.

When we look back at 2020, the first statement which crosses my mind is,’ the worst year ever’. Even when we look forward to 2021, most of us isn’t expecting much from it, as we all can see the situation is getting worse with each day….

Everything will be okay if it’s not then it’s not the end until then feel blessed of the skies u are under…

There were very few things to look back and smile at… When I shift my point of view I do realise what it taught us.

The most important thing we learned to be is grateful- to be fortunate enough to have few privileges in life and being satisfied and thank god for what we already have.

Then comes intolerance about things, the power to tolerate things which go against our will and to change and adapt to new surroundings. Many of our plans got cancelled or went in vain.

Also the acceptance of the changing surroundings. Nothing remained same but without questioning we got used to this ‘new normal’.

We showed courage and started our regular lives with precautions, instead of sitting into our homes and being in silence we kick started our lives and overcame the fears.

The most interesting part of lockdown was the amount of time we spent with our families playing board games,binge watching different movies and series, reading books, helping our mothers or partner in household chores. We did miss our schools but the qualities we learn there weren’t somehow neglected,like teamwork and unity, watched news everyday. In any situation people unified and came as a single force to fight a battle with either the disease or humanity! There was exchange of hope during conversations which made us come through this difficult year. There were prayers even when the places to worship were shut down.

All this made us realise to be conscious about our environment let us take this as warning and work towards a better and green surrounding. Also not taking people for granted we never know what is gonna happen next.

Make your surrounding green with plants! They are our best buddies..

The year did give us plenty of lessons and each of us suffered, but we did adjust and moved forward. We are ready to welcome a new year with warmth and happiness.

Spread love and happiness!

Let me know what’s your take on 2020! It would be great to know!!

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10 responses to “Bye 2020”

  1. Agreed with your views

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Well written

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Absolutely agreeπŸ’―βœ”οΈ 2020 has given us lots of bad memories but taught us a lot too. And this new UK corona has already spoiled the 2021 for us. Still fingers crossed 🀞 and hope we atleast get to meet if nothing else.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. TrueπŸ˜€

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Lovely!!! I so agree to u

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Your welcome please do visit to my blog 😊 hope you like it.

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      2. Definitely I will!πŸ˜„πŸ‘

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      3. Thanks!πŸ™πŸ˜€

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